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Parking and the first shops are open

MagazineAuthors of VYDRICA4 MIN

Juraj Ťahún: Bratislava currently has no better neighborhood

Už začiatkom júna spúšťa Vydrica oficiálny predaj bytov. V dnešnej situácii, plnej neistôt, vyvstávajú otázky na ceny bytov, ale aj na vývoj realitného trhu a hodnotu investícií. Na tieto témy sme vyspovedali Juraja Ťahúna, riaditeľa predaja projektu Vydrica. Osobne ho so svojim tímom nájdete aj v novom salespointe pod hradom, kde vám predstaví projekt napríklad aj vo virtuálnej prehliadke 3D modelu kompletného projektu Vydrica.

What will be specific to the housing in Vydrica?

The great advantage of Vydrica is definitely the unique architecture and above-standard design of the apartments. We placed the same emphasis on the design of floor plans and standard of apartments as we did on public spaces. Vydrica offers a wide range of apartment layouts, and when we selected the standards and technology, we mainly looked at the quality of the environment and healthy living aspects. Underfloor heating, healthy ceiling cooling, recuperation and climate plaster. We are building apartments that will be in demand ten to fifteen years later.

Compared to more exclusive projects, Vydrica will feature intimate housing, with a maximum number of 20–40 apartments in each block. This means Vydrica will have less than 400 apartment owners after completing the entire project.

Vydrica will be a pioneer in a shared parking system. What will it look like?

When we designed the solution, we were looking for a response to the fact that the world is changing very quickly, and that traffic is heavy.

We want to build a parking garage that will be used efficiently and offers a solution for the current and future needs of residents. Shared forms of transport such as “shared cars” and “shared bikes” are being used more and more, and the number of cars in households is declining.

We took inspiration from abroad, where it is common for parking spaces to be rented and shared. This makes it possible to make over 90 percent use of the garage, and parking can be shared between the tenants’ residential, administrative and retail areas.

Residents will be able to rent a parking space in three different ways over an extended period or just for a few months. Once they are settled and if they find that they don’t use their parking space regularly at certain times or are planning a holiday, they can offer it to others through an app for those times and be paid for it.

Clients are not obliged to buy parking spaces, and they will be able to rent another space at any time in the future as needed. This is a trendsetting novelty that supports sustainability, and I am happy to already see other projects in Bratislava inspired by it.

How would this site be perceived by someone not involved, such as a visitor from abroad?

Vydrica will significantly expand the pedestrian zone of the Old Town, and we believe that after it is completed, it will become a sought-after location for Bratislava’s visitors and residents. The streets will be full of pleasant cafes, shops, restaurants and smaller parks, and artists and new accommodation concepts will also find their place. The aim is to expand the heart of Bratislava with a new district that is accessible to the general public and residents equally.

What type of people want to live in Vydrica?

The concept of living in Vydrica is generally for people who enjoy the city, its bustle and life.

Most of them are people who already have their own houses and see Vydrica as an exceptional project in the best location. It is often said that location is the basic rule for the right investment in real estate. Many applicants are therefore literally waiting for our project. We do not sell apartments in packages. People usually buy them to either live in or rent out for a while and then later use it themselves.

An independent group of clients are Old Town residents who live in the centre but want to replace an old apartment with modern housing that respects the architecture and principles of the Old Town.

Do you have any tidbits to offer in conclusion?

Unlike the rest of the Old Town, all apartments in Vydrica will have balconies, terraces or loggias facing the street. The biggest interest is in apartments with a view of the street! As people are socializing more, being a part of the city bustle has suddenly become attractive. The idea of watching street noise in the evening or running downstairs for a drink with friends is something that will create added value in Vydrica.


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